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Past Projects

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We are always looking for new projects. Become a support partner and help fund future projects!

We rely 100% on fundraising for the Bibles we give away. We do this through partnerships with churches, ministries, businesses and individuals who have a de​sire to reach people with the most powerful tool we have. The Bible. Your donation today will help put bibles in the hands of people that wouldn't otherwise have one.

Route 66

Church Series Bible

This Bible was designed in partnership with Riverwood Church in Winnipeg, MB. As a church of over 1500 people, many of the people attending were newcomers, new believers and seekers. Route 66 was a series where they wanted the entire Church to go through the Bible together so helped designed this Bible cover along with a reading plan and over 1000 people were given this Bible for free. For many, this was the first Bible they had ever received.

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